Thursday, January 6, 2011


how time passed by...
my blog had been deserted for couple of months... (my bad...^^")
well, come to update it while I'm on a computer,
which is, from Monash Uni...XD

can't type chinese in Monash,
sigh... ><

well bad news for me,
confessed SOMETHING and failed (kena blocked by someone in fb T^T)
encountering study crisis (can't take my major units...><)
and now failure in business (oh well ,expected that from happening...^^")

it's not a good 2010 for me,
maybe it's because of luck?
or because i'm a total failure...

too much happened in the 2010,
how i wish i could go back to year 2009,
maybe i won't fail in study, business and love?

oh well,
try try again...