Saturday, July 10, 2010

[10/07] hehe! ^^

gt my lappie back this friday...
damn happy!
since my father wanna use my lappie,
so he bought a brand new Sony VAIO for me!
lol green in colour...

y i chose this colour?
cuz my mother said that: enviromental friendly...
yeah by its colour it does represents enviromental friendly...xD

Plus, it's a E-series so E stands for enviroment? xD


Jack Wah Shi Jie said...

Rich la
Sony Vaio
But if for me
i prefer ASUS
Anyway congratulation
Finally your wish come true
got a little bit jealous
As until now i didnt have my own laptop
I just got N97 only
Laptop when you will arrived my home
I wan a laptop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cxjiek said...

lol, thats awesome

R3NJ| said...

Jack: hehe... ASUS? damn nt worth to buy expensive type...well you'll get your very own laptop soon :)

cxjiek: wow...i thought you won't see my blog or even have one! O.o